Maple Shade Township | 200 Stiles Avenue, Maple Shade, NJ 08052 | Phone: 856-779-9610 | Fax : 856-779-2524 | Contact Us

Township Manager
Township Manager
Susan Danson
Township of Maple Shade Manager
The Township Manager is appointed by the Township Council and acts as the Chief Executive and Administrative Officer for the Township. The Manager is chosen and appointed by Council after demonstrating, prior to the appointment, a high level of executive and administrative experience, and proves to be qualified with respect to the duties of the office and experience in municipal management or public administration.
The Manager sees that all ordinances, resolutions and policies of the Council and all state laws subject to enforcement by municipal action are faithfully enforced and executed.
The Township Manager is also required, among other responsibilities to:
- Direct and supervise the administration of all departments of the municipal government and be responsible for the maintenance of sound personnel policies and administrative practices.
- Approve all bills and vouchers for payment subject to preaudit and control as provided herein.
- Maintain a continuing review and analysis of budget operations, work programs, and costs of municipal services.
- Establish working, personnel, vacation and sick leave schedules and appropriate records and reports.
- Approve or prescribe the internal organization of each department.
- Assign and transfer administrative functions, powers and duties among and within departments, subject to the Charter and Administrative Code.
- Delegate to department heads such powers as the Manager may deem necessary for efficient administration
The Town Manager should be motivated by the following objectives:
- To strive to inform the public so it understands community issues
- To find solutions to local problems with the help of County, State, and Federal officials
- To utilize community resources to address community needs and desires
- To use technology and professional knowledge to provide the community with essential programs and services
- To enhance and encourage the community to realize its full potential
Civil Rights Policy: